🌍 Join Us for a Special WSCF Asia Pacific Webinar!

In celebration of the *International Day of Non-Violence* , we invite you to a webinar featuring Pastor Karl Hand, PhD, National Director of the Australia Student Christian Movement.

This day serves as a vital reminder of the importance of non-violent approaches in our pursuit of social and political change. Non-violence, often referred to as non-violent resistance, is a powerful principle that emphasizes achieving goals through peaceful means rather than physical force.

πŸ—“οΈ Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2024
πŸ•’ Time: 6 PM (GMT+7/Jakarta time)
, 10 PM AEDT (GMT+11 Syd/Melbourne)
πŸ“ Platform: Zoom Cloud Meetings (bit.ly/WSCFAPWebinar-Oct)

Let’s come together to reflect on the importance of non-violence in our communities. Your participation is essential!

WSCF Asia Pacific Regional Office